Vermelho Velho

Vermelho Velho is a village situated in Brazilian municipality of Raul Soares, State of Minas Gerais, in Brazil.


Vermelho Velho, district of Raul Soares, is located east of Minas Gerais, which in turn is located within the Southeast Region. Its name means in English Ancient Red. Vermelho is 25 km from Raul Soares and 25 km of Bom Jesus do Galho and has more or less 150 years. The climate is very pleasant. He received this name, according to what people say old, because when it began to be populated, people broke through the ground and saw that the earth was red color and also because of the stream that was also red. The dwelling was with the arrival of people from other places, from then on the population grew. The forest vegetation was (full of poultry). There was no planting. Today there are many plantations. The means of transport was done by troops of animals (it was composed of ten animals, one for the guide) and car ox. In 1916 came the Railway Network in Raul Soares and in 1930 has spread our district record. From then on it was progressing, and today we can count on the highway that connects the Caratinga to Raul Soares, BR 116, which passes within Velho. The river Vermelho (Red River) which is within Vermelho Velho (Old Red) is called Vermelho Little river source in the head and has Novo (New) to Vermelho River and ends in Matipó. Previously there was Coronelismo (generally obeyed the law is that they impose). Then there were changes in policy, creating 'two political parties the UDN (National Democratic Union) and the PSD (Social Democratic Party), there is much rivalry. Today, however, it was very democratic politically.

Vermelho Velho people with big highlights, with three of them were mayors of our city as Carlito Ferreira Brandão, Dr. Zeferino Pires and José Macário Light Two of them lived on Vermelho Velho: Carlito and José Macário.As streets formerly had names like Right Street, Pongó and shingle. Today, however, there are several streets with names full diferentes.A then predominant religion was Roman Catholicism, appearing in 1932, the Protestantism (Presbiterian). The Catholic church was made of cattail and nails and only in 1947 that cut it into a new building in the same lugar.A agriculture was varied: rice, maize, coffee, cassava and sugar cane. Since today the largest source of economy is the coffee. These products are grown and exported. There was a big growth in agriculture, so we had to build a warehouse to make the deposit of cereals. This store had the name Castro Mendes and Cia, they bought and exported to other places, using as a means to transport the iron rail. The transport of grain to the warehouse was made by troops and car boi. In ancient times in cultural terms, we could count on: cinema, theater and music of two bands (Francisco Manoel Martins and Abraão).

So today, I found that there was a coming back.O trade was much better than today, there were several shops (José Turquinho, Querino Leôncio da Luz, José Nogueira, Joaquim Alves de Souza etc) with an abundant stock and broad moviments.A from 1980 appeared in the registry Vermelho Velho, where there is a wedding ceremony and records are children. A livestock was not much emphasis as it is now much used: bovine, horse.O water supply was made in a precarious , ie, water was removed from tanks. Currently, we have a reasonable supply. The sewage treatment was poor, today we can count on this benefício.A lighting was so poor, was done by kerosene lamps and with no lighting on the streets. It was the hydroelectric power plant of Joaquim Alves de Souza, later, from Raul Soares, strength and light to just come to CEMIG (Central Energética de Minas Gerais), with perfect lighting. From the beginning there was a football and rivalry, but in this day and age this rivalry has increased due to growth in population and the popularization of esporte.About literacy, we can see that in the past, only obtained knowledge of school children or wealthy people they could pay their studies. While the middle class still in illiteracy (which reflects in our society today). Today there are schools for all students seeking transport and living more distant. Existed as a means of communication the post. Today we have a telephone, tune some of the main television channels and several radio. When the patient was, the treatment was done through herbs, today we have a health center that marks the consultations for the population in addition to providing assistance to vaccination. Looking at the visual aspect of Vermelho Velho, we can see that improvements were on the football field, the road to the school, the structure of the houses and the church.
